Second Degree Burn Treatment

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Burn is damage to body tissues due to tissue to be exposed to high amounts of heat. Damage to the skin due to heat is referred to as a burn. Skin burn can be classified into three different categories: first degree, second degree and third degree burns in increasing order of severity. There treating skin burns for each type. However, before any treatment of burns may be resorted to, it is important to determine the type of skin burn first. Before focusing on the treatment of second degree burns, it is crucial that we know to identify second-degree burns.

Identifying second degree burns

The most common causes of second degree burns are flames, chemicals, hot liquids or burns. These burns and damage to the epidermis and dermis are painful. These burns are usually not larger than 3 inches. According lesser degree burns heal without leaving any scar. However, more severe second degree burns can make an individual go into shock. The shock is caused due to loss of excess fluid in the body that results in sharp drop in blood pressure, such as the brain and other important organs of the body do not receive enough blood. Shock may manifest as fainting, increased pulse rate and breathing, weakness, nausea and vomiting. In some cases the lips and fingernails turn blue and the skin becomes pale, damp and cold.

Second Degree Burn Treatment

The goal of the second degree burn treatment is to reduce pain and the chance of infection. Treatment of minor burns can be easily done at home with simple methods of burn care. Remove any piece of cloth or jewelry of the burned area. Place the burned area under cold running tap water or apply a cold water compress. If possible, keep the affected part raised (in the case or arms or legs) to reduce swelling. Wash minor burns with antiseptic cleanser. Cover the burn with a dry nonstick dressing, such as gauze. Leave the bandage on for 24 hours. Such wounds need to be worn per day. Be alert for signs of infection such as swelling, pus, increasing pain or redness. Medicines such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin can be taken to relieve the pain of sunburn. However, do not give aspirin to those aged below 18 years as aspirin increases the risk of children suffering from a serious illness called Reye syndrome. For help with the healing of burns, read first aid treatment of burns.

Serious mistakes to avoid when treating second-degree burns:

* Do not put ice or cold water on the burned area as this can further increase the damage to the skin

* If bubbles do not burst them like burned skin may develop infection.

* Do not put ointments, oils, butter, grease or Vaseline on the burn as substances that trap the heat inside and damage tissues lie deeper.

* If the person is in shock, do not give any liquid to drink. Otherwise, small amounts of water or juice can be administered to a person suffering from second degree burns to compensate for the loss of body fluids.

It is important to remember the following while the treatment of second degree burns with open blisters:

* Do not remove pieces of clothing sticking to the burned area.

* Do not run water over the injured area, it increases the risk of shock.

Second Degree Burn Treatment Chemical Burns

In case of treatment chemical burn any cloth around the affected area should be removed first. Then, the burned area should be washed with water for 20 to 30 minutes so that the chemical is thoroughly removed form the skin. In this case, water is not available and due to burning to dry chemicals, chemical dust off the skin with a clean cloth. It is important to get rid of any trace of skin chemistry. So, make sure to use enough water to wash the chemical, as certain chemicals are activated when they come into contact with water. Then, as in other cases vaguely cover the burned area with a clean, non-adherent dressing. Different chemicals have different effects. So it always helps to read the label on the bottle for chemical information.

Treatment of second degree burns depends upon the severity of damage to the fabric. Minor burns can be treated at home. There are some easy home remedies for burns. However, if the burn victim and seems to be acute in great pain seems to be sought medical advice immediately.